
Archive for August 5, 2010

Just so it feels like I’ve achieved something.

August 5, 2010 5 comments

I’ve just been sat here staring at the damn computer screen, not actually doing fuck all except wondering why I’m sat here doing fuck all…

Why haven’t I just gone to bed, that’s what normal people do innit?

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve checked the emails just for something to do…haven’t had any yet (nobody loves boo hoo!).

I’ve even been checking my Farcebook account, but nobody loves me on there either (Not that I’m too bothered by that).

And now I’ve resorted to sitting here typing this load of rubbish, just so it feels like I’ve achieved something.

God I’m sad, I’ve got nowt to do so I just sit here staring at the computer screen…I really should get a life.

— fotddarren